Cruising Down Memory Lane

Words fail to express how much I'm going to miss school, my friends, having fun in class, singing, sleeping, playing basketball, talking about how much our school sucks and the list goes on and on and on and on...
Since pictures speak louder than word, here's a tribute to the best (almost) decade of my life.

Boy Meets Girl

Love is a dangerous emotion. I wouldn't wanna describe it as an emotion...Love is more of a process, a state of mind, a verb, or I really don't know. You'll never know when it will creep up behind you and well, attack you. You're never gonna see it coming. While speakin' of love, can the words 'soul mate' be far behind? We all might have a perfect picture of our soul mates in our head, or the the way we're gonna meet them, contrarily some of us may not even believe in soul mates. For a person, who believes that when someone falls in love, they only end up falling, I very much believe in soul mates.

Here are a few extracts from the best love stories that I know, which will help you understand that 'This is NOT how I will meet my soul mate.'

~"Kids, there's more than one story of how I met your mother. You know the short version, the thing with your mom's yellow umbrella."
Nobody does!!~

~We were both young when I first saw you. I was standing there, on a balcony in summer air. See the lights, see the party , the ball gowns, see you make your way through the crowd to say 'hello!'~

~Every night in my dreams, I see you. I feel you. That is how I know you, go on...You're here, there's nothing I fear. We'll stay forever this way. You are safe in my heart and my heart will go on, and on.~

~It was like something from an old movie, where the sailor sees the girl across the crowded dance floor, turns to his buddy and says, "See that girl? I'm gonna marry her someday."~

~The perfect guy next door and the perfect girl next door. They grew up together...Well, at least in each other's presence. He has the voice of an angel. He keeps her ecstatic and entertained. She is the little rat he'd like to take home to his Momma. Together they would create a picture of perfection. If only they could see, that what they're looking for, has always been right next to them, standing by and waiting, just next door.~

~He was a jock. She was a geek. Living in their own worlds. Until, fate, disguised as a New Year's Eve Karaoke party, brought them together. Their eyes met, their melodies matched, and they knew it then that it was the start of something new.~

~One day, he found her crying, coiled up on the dirty ground. Her Prince finally came to save her and the rest she can figure out. But it was a trick and the clock struck twelve. So, make sure, to build your house, brick by boring brick or the wolf's gonna blow it down!~

~I was at Venice- the most romantic place in the world. I was roaming the streets aawaara, paagal, deewana, when I accidentally bumped into him, the love of my life, the reason for my existence...Kunal. For a moment I had forgotten the world around me. The air I breathed, the wind that blew, the river that flowed, everything was Kunal. We would be the perfect couple- Sameer and Kunal...~

~She was seven and he was nine. And she looked at him, like the stars were shining in the sky, like pretty lights. And their Daddies used to joke about the two of them, growing up and falling in love, and their Mommas smiled, and rolled their eyes and said "Oh my my my!"~

~His hands moved so fast, they blurred. One was gripping under the body of the van, and something was dragging me, swinging my legs around like a rag doll's, till they hit the tire of the tan car. A groaning metallic thud hurt my ears and the van settled, glass popping, onto the asphalt- exactly where, a second ago, my legs had been. It was absolutely silent for one long second before the screaming began. In the abrupt bedlam, I could hear more than one person shouting my name. But more clearly than the yelling, I could hear Edward Cullen's low, frantic voice in my ear. "Bella? Are you all right?"~

Virtual Moronism

Lately I've noticed that in the virtual world, everyone belongs to these silly things called 'groups'. The idea is that, one person finds an interesting/funny group and just joins, and thanks to the news feed, more people keep joining in, and before you know it, it's spreading like a freaking epidemic. It's one thing to be social and outgoing but another to do something just because it's the "in" thing.

Listed below are some of those highly annoying groups, why would never join one of them even if my life depended on it, a little piece of advice, and a big piece of my mind!

I've always wanted to Spin around in a chair and say, "I've been expecting you."
I have always wanted to get into a cab and say, "FOLLOW THAT CAR!!"
There are many different ways to admit that you're living a sad, monotonous life, and that you'd rather be a character in an ancient Mafia movie. If you choose to do it, by joining wannabe groups on facebook, here what a lazy tailor would say, "Suit yourself."

I love it when the parents are out the house!
I love the kid that makes the class fun by arguing with the teacher.
I love people who text back instantly.
Well, you have some pretty low standards my friend.

"Oh my, you've grown."...well, yes. That tends to happen.
Not with ALL of us, just the lucky ones! *throws a tantrum*

I say "Watsup" even though I know the answer is going to be "nothing much".
I'm not able to decide who is more boring. You for saying 'watsup' or your friend for replying 'nothing much'. Well, that's exactly the kinda thing that is bound to happen when you spend hours on Facebook, "Nothing much."

I don't read the Terms & Conditions but I accept them anyway.
It's a good thing you joined that group, 'cause otherwise I don't know how I would live my whole life thinking, "OMG! Somebody actually reads all of the terms and conditions before accepting them."

You're online and I want to talk to you, BUT I'm not saying hi first.

I wet my toothbrush before I put paste on it.
It's freaking dental hygiene to do so! You don't see me joining groups that say, 'I wash my hands before I eat', 'I brush my teeth everyday', 'I wash my hair at least once in a week', cause I'm not in 1st grade anymore, and I'm pretty sure, neither are you!

"Finally, You're online!" *click* ....has gone offline...."What the heck!"
Oh, how does it matter? You weren't gonna say 'hi' first anyway right?

I Hate Getting Texts That Only Say "k"
I Hate when Chat says "Sending"!
I Hate "Battery Low"
I hate how my homepage keeps telling me: and 10 other mindless trend followers have joined this shitass group.

The Moment Of Glory When You Find Out Everyone Hates The Person You Hate.
Now, why would anyone wanna admit that they're exactly like everyone else in that group?

"Your homework is to read these pages." YESSS! No Homework!
"Yes mom, I'm doing my homework"(minimize facebook)
I Hate that kid who reminds the teacher about homework.
I was doing homework, then I ended up on Facebook.
Pfft. Homework?! *laughs hysterically*

"I'd rather beat my remote to make it work, then change the batteries!"
I'd rather bang my head on the nearest wall, THAN join a group which is an insult not only to the English language, but also to the existence of words.

When I talk on the phone, I walk around the room aimlessly.

When I go out looking like crap, I see just about everyone I know!
When a teacher points at you, you look behind and then say "who me?"
My notification cuts off at the top of my screen.
I regularly open my fridge and stand gazing inside for no reason at all.
I walk into a room, I forget why I went there, I walk out, I remember.
When I run down the stairs, I always skip the last step and jump.
Now that we've covered the trivial/unimportant/obvious, it's time for you to get a life.

I need to get off of facebook, and get my face in a book.
I wonder what I used to do before facebook.
If facebook was a subject, my parents would have been so proud.
I know, I know, facebook is pretty awesome, but there is life out of facebook.

And the worst ones of them all, are the those groups which are about joining groups
I read the group name, I laugh, I join, I never look at it again.
I just looked at my profile and saw how many pages I joined,...Im shocked!
I join too many groups because their names make me say.. "OMG, THATS TRUE!"
I can't stop joining groups that come up on my news feed.
Holy Crap! There's a group for everything!


Things you'll hear only when you're in our class(read: Things I'm gonna miss hearing, for the rest of my life.)

Scooty, TV, Chroman, FeCo, NiCu, Zinc.

Q.Why did Ganesh fail in his SAT exam?
A. Because he stood and wrote it.

You, bloody SODIUM IODIDE!
Sir, where have you kept the species?
Hey! Did you know Be-yawns is married to Jay-Zed?

Archimedes comes to NHVPS. He discovers buoyancy. He immediately runs up to the computer lab and yells: You-Rekha! :D

Oh, my Devare!
You can't add things that aren't numbers!
The impurity present in the ore is called gangu.
Have you visited the Big-Baniyan-Tree?
Whyyy meee?

Q.Why was Nischal looking hot in his passport-sized pic?

A.Because the photographer forgot to switch on the fan!

That was such an NJ-Naveen Joke!

Dude, M.F.Hussain. From his name itself you'll get to know what he is. Get it? M.F...

The Tvilight movie got many avaards!
Don't say Aashirvachan! My bowels loosen.

Bridgit Ma'am: Tell me honestly students. Who did the Carbylamine test? The whole school is filled with isocyanide gas.
IR: Why did you do it RJ?

Bridgit: I have full confidence in RJ, he does not know the carbylamine test.

Ganu and Vin in unison: Sir, are you a ManU fan or a Chelsea fan?
Toms Sir: *points to the nearest fan* I use only Usha fan!

Rudrappa: Surabhi is paw-gal!
Mitalla. Mitalla. Jai jai Mitalla!
Naveen, what's the value of meu not?
Saare jahaan se achcha...Bhaskar ke paet mein bachcha!

Remember the time when Veerapan had kidnapped Shiv Kumar?

Sir, are you storting a new chopter?

Just another Year-End List

10 things I wish I'd known sooner in 2009
  • If you dress up in the dark, you're gonna end up wearing your clothes inside-out.
  • log1=0, log10=1.
  • Switching it off, and on again doesn't always solve the problem.
  • Shallow pockets are evil.
  • When your phone says, "Data will be deleted during formatting memory card", it's not kidding.
  • Snoozers are awesome.
  • Blogger templates have to be unzipped before being uploaded.
  • The try-out rooms aren't just for showing-off, cause it's better to leave a store empty handed than with 3 tops worth Rs.250 which don't even fit.
  • When you're trying to hide something from your parents, you'll eventually get caught.
  • Toothpaste+Pimple=BAD IDEA!!


Nationals. The very sound of the word sends chills down my spine. Though, all of us knew that the results of our matches were gonna be bad, and we were gonna get beaten...brutally, we had to give it our best shot, especially after one and a half hours of continuous daily practice, begging our parents to let us go and for the fact that this would be the best opportunity that would knock on our basketball career's door.

Sleepy and not even a wee-bit excited, I left my house at 6 o'clock in the morning for the airport. We met Lavi at the airport at 7.15. The weird thing is that, sparrows have disappeared from every nook and corner of Bengaluru, but there are plenty of them at the Bengaluru International Airport, one of the most developed parts of Bengaluru. We arrived at Delhi airport at 12 and stopped for lunch at a typical desi-restaurant and I enjoyed a plate of aloo-paranthas. Our train to Ludhiana was at 4.30, we had to be at the station by 4, so my dad took us site seeing. We saw Rashtrapathi Bhavan, India gate, and such and such. Man, there are a lot of pigeons in Delhi every-effing-where. We went to the railway station and met up with our teammates who had been waiting in the clock room. This made me feel kind of guilty because, while they were travelling in train for 2 straight days, Lavi and I had completed our journey in a matter of 2 hours. The train journey was pretty comfortable, although the Shathabdhi-waalas kept trying to stuff us with food. Juice, snacks, tea, dinner, one after the other, for free(!) and uncalled for! The train took us to Ludhiana by 8.30 and we had to get off of it within 2 minutes unless we wanted to travel all the way to Lahore! We reached the school at 10, and accommodation had to be arranged by us, as in- we had to carry our own mattresses, pillows, blankets and buckets to the room. A brief insight to the hostel life I'd have to face next year...Yay!

The next day, inauguration was at 10 in morning, so we were made to wake up at 8, when it was freezing cold. I was in desperate need of a ahem space-heater ahem out there. How the hell could they expect us to play in that kinda weather?! I just wanted to crawl under blanket and go back to sleep. The inaugurations involved, the teams marching around the ground, taking the pledge and a couple of performances. After a few hours, our match began. We played against Springdale, Amritsar. They were a pretty good team. They had an advantage of height. There was this one girl who kept shrieking, in the hope that she would get a foul. And most of the time, she did. That was pretty unfair because we barely even touched her. I'll bet she learned her lay-ups something like this: Right-Left-Jump-Aaargh! We lost the match 47-17. Smirk all you want, but we got thumped even harder by the Chandigarh girls. We lost against them, 57-19. In our defense, the Chandigarh team was too fast, too tall and far too experienced. There were always two girls who were on our tallest player(Mandy) and kept "hitting her head, as though it were a tabla". The only match in which we had a chance of winning was against the Daly College. They seemed to be the girly-type and they too had lost both the matches in the league. The game was ours, we were in the lead till the last 2 minutes of the fourth quarter, but just one last minute basket made all the difference. We lost, 22-23. Everyone in the team was very depressed. But thanks to the bonfire that night, we all came around. It was fun to just let go of everything, act kiddish, act drunk, and act tapori-ish! And for the very first time, with my own free will, I danced. Period. Since, the girls and boys tournaments were held at separate schools, some of the girls took to having crushes on girls who looked and played like guys!

We spent the next two days, watching the other matches(or that's what we were asked to tell people.) But what actually happened? Team secret! In the end, the final match was between, Delhi and Chennai. Delhi emerged as the winners for the freaking 4th time in row! The highlight(s) of the week was that we got to watch India's best u-19 teams in action, our rival team Chirec, actually became our friends as we supported each other during our matches, we had cartloads of fun playing pranks on people, I realised how good south-Indian food is, and permanent damage was done to my confidence and self-esteem, courtesy- all the teams that participated in the CBSE National Basketball tournament.

Seems Like Yesterday

My conversations these days begin something like this:
“I’m going to my uncle’s house to get my AIPMT forms attested. Seems like just yesterday I tagged along with my brother, to do the same for his entrance exam forms …”

Seems like just yesterday, I posted my very first poem on my blog, while in reality, my blog is celebrating its first birth anniversary.

Seems like just yesterday, Princy had sent me home saying, “You’re late because there was a puja at home? You may go home and attend the puja!” It’s two years later now, and we’re having the same puja at home.

Seems like just yesterday I was making a list of all the things I want to do after my 10th board exams, and the list still remains unchecked…only now it’s called “Things I want to do after my 12th board exams”

Seems like just yesterday, we were all keyed up about our school’s 1st “annual day”, while that actually happened 6 years ago.

Seems like just yesterday, we had got our house repainted, but old family photographs, prove me wrong.

Seems like just yesterday, I was having basketball practice with Rash and Maddy, but they’ve passed out and their respective siblings Priyanka and Shiuli have taken their place in the team.

Seems like just yesterday, I was watching the 1st High School Musical movie, but recently I’ve learnedthat everything…everything ends, including Troy and Gabriella’s senior year at high school. *sob* *sniff*

Seems like just yesterday, I was mumbling to everyone “Wake me up, when September ends!”

Seems like just yesterday, my seniors had taught me the right technique to take a lay-up. Now, it’s my turn to teach my juniors.

Seems like just yesterday, we all read the Pandora story for the first time, and cursed the pea-brain for opening the box of troubles.

Seems like just yesterday I was laughing my lungs out as Jay Leno poked fun at senator Clinton, Obama, and the old, white, bald guy, whose name I don’t care enough to remember. But Obama has been the President of the USA for an entire year already.
Moreover, Jay Leno has been replaced by Conan O’Brian.

Seems like just yesterday, I was walking home after my first day of summer-school, and a kid from my school had asked me “You had school today?”, and I had replied “Yup! I’m in twelfth!”

When things change so quickly that it almost seems like magic, when I feel like I'm living life in fast-forward, when time flies faster than a falcon, all I can do is wish for it to slow down, so that I can savour every moment , enjoy it to the fullest, and reminisce years later and say “seems like yesterday…”
Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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