Just another Year-End List

10 things I wish I'd known sooner in 2009
  • If you dress up in the dark, you're gonna end up wearing your clothes inside-out.
  • log1=0, log10=1.
  • Switching it off, and on again doesn't always solve the problem.
  • Shallow pockets are evil.
  • When your phone says, "Data will be deleted during formatting memory card", it's not kidding.
  • Snoozers are awesome.
  • Blogger templates have to be unzipped before being uploaded.
  • The try-out rooms aren't just for showing-off, cause it's better to leave a store empty handed than with 3 tops worth Rs.250 which don't even fit.
  • When you're trying to hide something from your parents, you'll eventually get caught.
  • Toothpaste+Pimple=BAD IDEA!!

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Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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