
Things you'll hear only when you're in our class(read: Things I'm gonna miss hearing, for the rest of my life.)

Scooty, TV, Chroman, FeCo, NiCu, Zinc.

Q.Why did Ganesh fail in his SAT exam?
A. Because he stood and wrote it.

You, bloody SODIUM IODIDE!
Sir, where have you kept the species?
Hey! Did you know Be-yawns is married to Jay-Zed?

Archimedes comes to NHVPS. He discovers buoyancy. He immediately runs up to the computer lab and yells: You-Rekha! :D

Oh, my Devare!
You can't add things that aren't numbers!
The impurity present in the ore is called gangu.
Have you visited the Big-Baniyan-Tree?
Whyyy meee?

Q.Why was Nischal looking hot in his passport-sized pic?

A.Because the photographer forgot to switch on the fan!

That was such an NJ-Naveen Joke!

Dude, M.F.Hussain. From his name itself you'll get to know what he is. Get it? M.F...

The Tvilight movie got many avaards!
Don't say Aashirvachan! My bowels loosen.

Bridgit Ma'am: Tell me honestly students. Who did the Carbylamine test? The whole school is filled with isocyanide gas.
IR: Why did you do it RJ?

Bridgit: I have full confidence in RJ, he does not know the carbylamine test.

Ganu and Vin in unison: Sir, are you a ManU fan or a Chelsea fan?
Toms Sir: *points to the nearest fan* I use only Usha fan!

Rudrappa: Surabhi is paw-gal!
Mitalla. Mitalla. Jai jai Mitalla!
Naveen, what's the value of meu not?
Saare jahaan se achcha...Bhaskar ke paet mein bachcha!

Remember the time when Veerapan had kidnapped Shiv Kumar?

Sir, are you storting a new chopter?

7 responses:

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

LOL!! So funny!! LOL
You're from nhvps? :O

Xiphi! said...

Harini...Thanks so much for commenting :)
Yea,I'm from NHVPS; Hard to believe cause I seem so content here? :D
Guess, I've learned to live with (and love) this kinda suckish-ness!

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

:o you know my nhvp-an story??
you know me also?? :O

Xiphi! said... would I not know.. u were just 1 year senior thaney?
oh, and I have a friend at VPS, 'cause I was in VPS for a year(a long time ago)

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

:O but how do you know??? :O
I dont even know your name!! I just know you as eternally insane! :O

Unknown said...

awesommmm!!!!bt y hav u combined 3-4 unrelated stuff??

Xiphi! said...

cause it was taking up too much space...was looking ugly!

Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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