Virtual Moronism

Lately I've noticed that in the virtual world, everyone belongs to these silly things called 'groups'. The idea is that, one person finds an interesting/funny group and just joins, and thanks to the news feed, more people keep joining in, and before you know it, it's spreading like a freaking epidemic. It's one thing to be social and outgoing but another to do something just because it's the "in" thing.

Listed below are some of those highly annoying groups, why would never join one of them even if my life depended on it, a little piece of advice, and a big piece of my mind!

I've always wanted to Spin around in a chair and say, "I've been expecting you."
I have always wanted to get into a cab and say, "FOLLOW THAT CAR!!"
There are many different ways to admit that you're living a sad, monotonous life, and that you'd rather be a character in an ancient Mafia movie. If you choose to do it, by joining wannabe groups on facebook, here what a lazy tailor would say, "Suit yourself."

I love it when the parents are out the house!
I love the kid that makes the class fun by arguing with the teacher.
I love people who text back instantly.
Well, you have some pretty low standards my friend.

"Oh my, you've grown."...well, yes. That tends to happen.
Not with ALL of us, just the lucky ones! *throws a tantrum*

I say "Watsup" even though I know the answer is going to be "nothing much".
I'm not able to decide who is more boring. You for saying 'watsup' or your friend for replying 'nothing much'. Well, that's exactly the kinda thing that is bound to happen when you spend hours on Facebook, "Nothing much."

I don't read the Terms & Conditions but I accept them anyway.
It's a good thing you joined that group, 'cause otherwise I don't know how I would live my whole life thinking, "OMG! Somebody actually reads all of the terms and conditions before accepting them."

You're online and I want to talk to you, BUT I'm not saying hi first.

I wet my toothbrush before I put paste on it.
It's freaking dental hygiene to do so! You don't see me joining groups that say, 'I wash my hands before I eat', 'I brush my teeth everyday', 'I wash my hair at least once in a week', cause I'm not in 1st grade anymore, and I'm pretty sure, neither are you!

"Finally, You're online!" *click* ....has gone offline...."What the heck!"
Oh, how does it matter? You weren't gonna say 'hi' first anyway right?

I Hate Getting Texts That Only Say "k"
I Hate when Chat says "Sending"!
I Hate "Battery Low"
I hate how my homepage keeps telling me: and 10 other mindless trend followers have joined this shitass group.

The Moment Of Glory When You Find Out Everyone Hates The Person You Hate.
Now, why would anyone wanna admit that they're exactly like everyone else in that group?

"Your homework is to read these pages." YESSS! No Homework!
"Yes mom, I'm doing my homework"(minimize facebook)
I Hate that kid who reminds the teacher about homework.
I was doing homework, then I ended up on Facebook.
Pfft. Homework?! *laughs hysterically*

"I'd rather beat my remote to make it work, then change the batteries!"
I'd rather bang my head on the nearest wall, THAN join a group which is an insult not only to the English language, but also to the existence of words.

When I talk on the phone, I walk around the room aimlessly.

When I go out looking like crap, I see just about everyone I know!
When a teacher points at you, you look behind and then say "who me?"
My notification cuts off at the top of my screen.
I regularly open my fridge and stand gazing inside for no reason at all.
I walk into a room, I forget why I went there, I walk out, I remember.
When I run down the stairs, I always skip the last step and jump.
Now that we've covered the trivial/unimportant/obvious, it's time for you to get a life.

I need to get off of facebook, and get my face in a book.
I wonder what I used to do before facebook.
If facebook was a subject, my parents would have been so proud.
I know, I know, facebook is pretty awesome, but there is life out of facebook.

And the worst ones of them all, are the those groups which are about joining groups
I read the group name, I laugh, I join, I never look at it again.
I just looked at my profile and saw how many pages I joined,...Im shocked!
I join too many groups because their names make me say.. "OMG, THATS TRUE!"
I can't stop joining groups that come up on my news feed.
Holy Crap! There's a group for everything!

1 responses:

♪♪Happy Go Lucky♪♪ said...

ROFL!!!! Thats hilarious!!!
But lol i join a lot of those groups too. almost every group you've listed, i've joined :P

Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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