The End Is Near

Knock knock
Who's there?
Worm who?
Worm in here, isn't it?

When your body temperature is higher than normal, it means that your body is hot and you're not well. Similar is the case with the Earth. When the temperature of the planet increases, it means that our planet is hot and ill! The Earth is suffering from a deadly fever. The Earth, our home, is being haunted by the devil, that is global warming. Who's fault is it? Who can set it right? The answer, undoubtedly is~us! It all lies in our own hands. Global warming is the consequence of our wrong doings and it's our responsibility to give back to our Earth what we have snatched from it in all these years.
To say global warming is a pressing issue, is like saying the Asian tsunami was a big wave. Global warming is happening now, as you read this very post. It is threatening to cause heat waves, food shortages, extinction of polar bears, rise in sea levels, destroy coral reefs, melt icecaps and I could go on and dedicate a whole blog to global warming.
Consisting of some of the lowest islands on earth -- its highest point is only 2.4 meters above the surface of the ocean -- the Maldives are especially vulnerable to rising sea levels caused by global warming, and unless the world community can effectively curtail carbon dioxide emissions, the little island paradise may soon be lost. The pristine blue water that draws people from around the world is now threatening to wash away the entire country. And I thought being in 12th was a nightmare!!

The Maldives cannot battle the sea forever, and the only long-term option will be to abandon the islands altogether.But ultimately, the fate of the islands is in the world's hands. One thoughtful action or a simple change in your habit will go a long way in saving our planet.

7 Simple Rules:
1. You can start with the obvious.
Reduce: Throw less rubbish.
Reuse: Use it in a new way.
Recycle: Make it into something new.
That's the three Rs, for me and you!

2. Instead of traveling by car over short distances, walk or cycle, car pool or use public transport. Use the stairs instead of the elevator you do need to lose some weight, and you know it!

3. Say no to plastic. Carry your own cute-jute bags or paper bags while shopping.

4. Keep an eye on electrical appliances at home. Turn off lights, fans/Ac's while leaving a room. Replace all normal bulbs with C.F.L tubes. And let's face it, with recession at its highest peak, a low electricity bill will do financial wonders.

5. Plant a tree around your house, not only will it help nullify carbon emissions, but will also bring in better chi. I'll bet you don't need a lecture about the uses of're not in 1st std anymore! In other words, a tree can prove to be man's ummm...4th best friend.

6. Save water. One dripping tap in a house wastes 13 litres of water in a single day. Therefore, the wastage of water in a year would be 4745 litres. You do the math!

7. Turn Veggie. If you avoid eating meat once a week for a year you could save up to 32 kilograms of grain and 151,600 litres of water in a year. *pretends to be ignorant about the level of suckishness of the veggie-burger at McD*

If the Earth were closer to the Sun, all the water would have been vapourised; if farther, it would have frozen to ice. But it seems as if the Earth's own children are doing a very good job at destroying the mother who nurtured them. Ours is the only planet in the solar system that has conditions suitable for life. The Earth, unique as a snowflake, should be preserved and cared for. Or else, in no less than a few more decades, life as we know it, may cease to exist. Be very concerned!
Yes...all this coming from the girl who wrote her school song, heal the world, and other shitty answers in her Environmental Science Finals. Spank yourself if you laughed at this!

The world is coming to an end, please log off!

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Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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