You know you're a 12th grader when...

You know you're a 12th grader when:

  • your boards are less than a year away(which can go by in a blink of an eye) and the highest of your concerns is the pimple on your forehead
  • 24x7x29 seems infinitesimally small
  • your day's productiveness is measured by the number of hours you spent studying
  • you miss watching cartoons like 'The Flintstones' & 'The Adam's family' and start tagging the 2nd std kids at your school as lucky
  • you consider the feeling you get when you are given 4 days off from school as "Euphoria"
  • the only thought on your mind, most of the time is "Why O' why didn't I get swine flu?!"
  • your friends force you into entertainment and punish you for not having heard the latest hit song no MTV
  • you start planning for college, what to do and what not to do at college and make a shopping list for the same
  • you consider the song 'The Climb' by Miley Cyrus to be very inspirational. And shamelessly admit it too
  • your facebook status reads "..." and has been that way for the past 3 months
  • watching a movie like 'Fashion' on a Saturday evening is the highlight of your week
  • completing the last mission of GTA SA seems more important to you, than getting yourself to study bio molecules
  • you call up your friends at 5 in the morning and expect them to explain "Molecular Basis Of Inheritance" to you
  • you're so desperate for a break that you sign up for an essay-writing competition, even though you are well aware that the topic is 'horticulture'
  • you start making a list of all the things to do after boards
  • you claim that you're sleep deprived even after sleeping through an entire math class.
  • you're speechless when asked if you did anything yesterday that was worth mentioning
  • you're constantly thinking about time travel
  • you 're caught saying things like "I've been studying so much that I'm putting on weight"
  • you're planning to write a book on "How To Send Your Parents/Teachers To Pluto"
  • your blog posts have a typical biology answer touch to it( with big words, written point-wise, and make absolutely no sense but you hope beyond hope that it is well received)
  • there isn't enough time for all the nothing you want to do!

2 responses:

that awkward girl said...

:D :D :D

thts exactly what i went thru last year. your turn now. enjoy!!

:D :D

Namrata Mahesh said...

guess what?? i was listening to "the climb" while reading it... n it sorta moved me to tears... i thought all that happened only to me...(k except the horticulture stuff)

Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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