Life and Other Disasters

There is a phase in every person's life when they can't help but wonder, "What have I done in all these years that has made a contribution to this world? Aren't we all just a tiny little speck of dust as compared to the universe which spreads infinitely? What am I doing with my life? Why am I here? And where did I come from?"
Yes, I took t
he quiz on FB and it turns out I'm from Neptune :|

It is in these few moments of int
rospection that we start to question most of the things around us and within us. These thoughts keep coming back to us during a boring Bio lecture, a never-ending Chem class, and most often while sitting blankly in front of an open book(a book so bulky that you break sweat just upon turning the pages)

When you're down in the dumps, when rock bottom seems so high up, when you're torn between trying to enjoy life and doing something worthwhile, when laughing at the littlest and the silliest things is as good as life can get, when you want to fly but are tied down to your responsibilities, when you literally keep begging for change, when you want to write happy blog post but are condemned to crib about life, when 'content' seems like a word used only in fairy tales, when you're born to party but forced to study, when death doesn't seem to be that bad of an idea, just say to yourself "It's just a phase, it will pass."

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Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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