Time Sure Flies

Time sure flies when you don't know what you're doing!
Here's a tribute to one of the best years of my life at XYZPS. The academic year 2008-2009 was one hell-of-a-roller-coaster-ride! The year started off at a very dull note. The teachers that we had were just as clueless about their subjects as we were (except for T Sir and S Ma'am of course.)

Our class teacher turned out to be Ms.P G. She "seemed" very nice...but soon we grew sick of her fake accent, her mispronunciations, and well...Her flab! Until the end of the year, Pam taught us one, and just one lesson. The rest were supposed to be self-studied!At first I had no idea what was going on in any of the science classes. In Physics we were doing differentiation and integration. And for a few days I completely didn't get why dy/dx was not equal to y/x! Initially we had B Ma'am a.k.a Lab Aunty, as our chem teacher. And continuously for 3 straight weeks the only topic that she "taught" was IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Luckily I was placed next to K.G.M who really helped me in studies, but he,G,and V gave me major inferiority complexes. Bio classes were hell boring. S.L used to release fumes of sleeping gas into the class. We used to fall asleep the minute we entered bio-class. Back then when S.K. used to say "Shet up!". We all actually used to abide by it! Math classes used to be amazing! S Ma'am really used to bring the class to life...Her usual dialogues such as "Hall with you! Faady percent! Nou Nou Nou! I couldn't care less! Ayeeennnn!" still continue to crack me up. Man...I miss her : (

Though this was not what we expected, later on things turned out the way we wanted them to! S.K became more friendly...We got a new Chem teacher Rudrappa...T Sir started off with his PJs...We got used to Pam's flab...And we found our own way of staying awake in bio-class...Hangman!
I'm sure that if the "man" ever saw us playing the game then he needn't be hung, he'd hang himself and commit suicide. It was around this time that I finally crossed the line between the good and the bad. Together N, SN, RJ and I began to drive each and every teacher crazy. Rudrappa used to give us a 'last warning' almost everyday. Quote Rudrappa: "I yam geeving you lost waarning maa. Don't make sound in claass."
Pam always pestered us to submit our literature notes on time but N and I never got beyond four lessons even by the end of the year. And how would we? We spent most our time during English classes, coming up with crazy poems. SN was our Guinea pig for every single prank. One thing that made me feel guilty about doing so, was that she was such a good sport about it. Be it tail made of connecting wires or an early morning insult! And of course, RJ still continues to bug all three of us!

The special school functions which we unwillingly attended, somtimes turned out to be a disaster but sometimes they were a lot of fun. Independence Day, Inter school Teachers Qwiz, KaalavaraHalli trek, the BB tournaments, Puraskruthi and Aashirvachan. Aashirvachan being the best of the lot! I so enjoyed The Wave (miserably failed attempt at it), the Suspense filled environment(as to who was going to be the next school captain), and *ahem* The Lamp! :D

Moving on from the most casual year to a very crucial year of our lives has indeed proved to be a difficult task. It sure is a shame that we won't be known as 11thers anymore...

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Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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