8 Hours Of God-Knows-What!

The most awaited movie of the year-Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince-(according to me at least) had finally released. Smoka and I had decided to watch the movie at The Forum Mall, over the weekend, though Smoka was being a reluctant jackass about it! Our initial plan was that we would go to the mall at around 11 in the morning and buy tickets for the afternoon show around 3. There were a lot of things that were contributing towards foiling our little plan.
Firstly, Smoka got in touch with her feminine side that morning and took what seemed like a million years to get ready! We ended up reaching the mall at 1 o' clock.
Secondly, Smoka had some important business plans with her friend.
Thirdly, every damn show was sold out! I had checked the newspaper that morning and there was a show almost at every hour. The only available show was the 6:30 show, which was close to impossible since my parents wanted their darling daughter to be home before nightfall! Whatever! Only after a lot of convincing(done by Smoka, of course) and a little bit of lying, did my parents agree to come and pick us up by 8. Here's where the lie comes in, we told my parents that the movie would begin at 5 and end by 8. If they had the slightest clue that the movie was 2 and a half hours long and would start only by 6:30, then we would have been heading back home, then and there!
Fourthly, our seats were separate. We were placed in the last row and were separated by 26 seats. Do you know how many seats there are in the last row? 28! Smoka had half a mind of walking out of the movie theatre if she was made to watch the movie without me!
And lastly, WE LOST THE TICKETS! Or at least, thought we did! I clearly remember collecting the tickets from the counter and looking at the seat numbers and stuff, and then I handed them to Smoka! The irresponsible girl that she is, blindly dumped it into her bag! A few hours later she couldn't remember where-the-hell she had put them! After about fifteen minutes into the panic attack and complete scrutinising of the bag, we found the tickets neatly sitting in the folder! After a huge sigh of relief we continued on our journey of doing nothing at the mall!

If you had 5 whole hours and only 400Rs.(which came down from 3800Rs.) to spend at a mall what would you have done? Smoka suggested we could go watch Transformers 2...But there was no way in hell I would spend my money to watch a noisy, sci-fi movie! If it was my parents' money, well, that's a different issue! There isn't a thing in Forum which a normal person can afford. So we went to a place opposite to JNC. Everything there was so cute, but nothing was either wearable or my type. I ended up buying my first pair of funky chappals there. They looked fabulous but little did I know that things which were so cute would be nibbling at my poor toes! So we just roamed and roamed and roamed some more till our legs fell off! We then went to have lunch at McDonalds. Chairs never felt so great! BTW, the people at McDonalds have no respect for vegetarians. The last thing I would do is recommend a Veggie burger if your going to McDonalds.

Oh! I mustn't forget to mention that The Forum Mall is filled with all kinds of specimen. Each one different from the other, yet equally weird. Here's a little list:
1. The guy who stood in front of us, while buying the ticket. He had on a Iron Maiden t-shirt and was Smoka's hair-sake! When the counter guy told him that his seats would be separate he smirked and said "It's okay, we're not girls!" He paid for the tickets and walked off...Without collecting them! He was probably full of himself, coming up with wise guy cracks.
2. The cleaning lady at the toilet who was giving a lesson to a girl about the etiquette's, of using a public toilet!
3. The girl who wore low-waist jeans and had zero knowledge about how to carry them off. Quote Smoka: "We saw her butt cleavage!"
4.The guy on the escalator who was trying to dance to Rihanna's Umbrella.

Though there were a lot of weird people out there, there are other nice people too, who give in to the simple requests of sweet innocent girls. Thank you, chubby lonely uncle for switching seats with Smoka.

When 6:30 finally arrived, I was so grateful to the God of Time, since Smoka had been bugging me wth the same line from 1:30: Is it six-thirty yet? Is it six-thirty yet? Is it six-thirty yet?
I know Smoka wont agree with me on this (Hell-With-Her!) but when the movie finally ended at 9:15, it was totally worth the wait.

Time Sure Flies

Time sure flies when you don't know what you're doing!
Here's a tribute to one of the best years of my life at XYZPS. The academic year 2008-2009 was one hell-of-a-roller-coaster-ride! The year started off at a very dull note. The teachers that we had were just as clueless about their subjects as we were (except for T Sir and S Ma'am of course.)

Our class teacher turned out to be Ms.P G. She "seemed" very nice...but soon we grew sick of her fake accent, her mispronunciations, and well...Her flab! Until the end of the year, Pam taught us one, and just one lesson. The rest were supposed to be self-studied!At first I had no idea what was going on in any of the science classes. In Physics we were doing differentiation and integration. And for a few days I completely didn't get why dy/dx was not equal to y/x! Initially we had B Ma'am a.k.a Lab Aunty, as our chem teacher. And continuously for 3 straight weeks the only topic that she "taught" was IUPAC nomenclature of organic compounds. Luckily I was placed next to K.G.M who really helped me in studies, but he,G,and V gave me major inferiority complexes. Bio classes were hell boring. S.L used to release fumes of sleeping gas into the class. We used to fall asleep the minute we entered bio-class. Back then when S.K. used to say "Shet up!". We all actually used to abide by it! Math classes used to be amazing! S Ma'am really used to bring the class to life...Her usual dialogues such as "Hall with you! Faady percent! Nou Nou Nou! I couldn't care less! Ayeeennnn!" still continue to crack me up. Man...I miss her : (

Though this was not what we expected, later on things turned out the way we wanted them to! S.K became more friendly...We got a new Chem teacher Rudrappa...T Sir started off with his PJs...We got used to Pam's flab...And we found our own way of staying awake in bio-class...Hangman!
I'm sure that if the "man" ever saw us playing the game then he needn't be hung, he'd hang himself and commit suicide. It was around this time that I finally crossed the line between the good and the bad. Together N, SN, RJ and I began to drive each and every teacher crazy. Rudrappa used to give us a 'last warning' almost everyday. Quote Rudrappa: "I yam geeving you lost waarning maa. Don't make sound in claass."
Pam always pestered us to submit our literature notes on time but N and I never got beyond four lessons even by the end of the year. And how would we? We spent most our time during English classes, coming up with crazy poems. SN was our Guinea pig for every single prank. One thing that made me feel guilty about doing so, was that she was such a good sport about it. Be it tail made of connecting wires or an early morning insult! And of course, RJ still continues to bug all three of us!

The special school functions which we unwillingly attended, somtimes turned out to be a disaster but sometimes they were a lot of fun. Independence Day, Inter school Teachers Qwiz, KaalavaraHalli trek, the BB tournaments, Puraskruthi and Aashirvachan. Aashirvachan being the best of the lot! I so enjoyed The Wave (miserably failed attempt at it), the Suspense filled environment(as to who was going to be the next school captain), and *ahem* The Lamp! :D

Moving on from the most casual year to a very crucial year of our lives has indeed proved to be a difficult task. It sure is a shame that we won't be known as 11thers anymore...

Vijay Mallya?

Aah..Vijay Mallya! The man who lives life king size.The big shot whose life is filled with cash,babes,cars,booze, and what not! The very 1st Indian to own a F1 team. The proud owner of Kingfisher airlines, IPL team Royal Challengers Bangalore and the Indian Empress.
If you're thinking that this post is a 'tribute ' to him, or RCB, then you're sadly mistaken.
This post is a retort to a certain post which supposedly proves my (non-existent) stupidity.You might have read the above mentioned post here.

Here's my version a.k.a the true version of the incident:
Smoka was over at my place. I was going through the contacts on her phone and came across the name: Vijay- wait for it-MALLYA! The convo goes something like this...
Me: OMG! Vijay Mallya? *giving her a you-better-have-a-good-explanation-for-this-look*
Smoka: Yea man. This P is there no,she's friends with Vijay mallya's son. I got it from her...It's one of his numbers.
(She was supposedly smirking at that time but I couldn't quite see it, cause we were sitting in the dark, as the damn power was out. Otherwise I would have totally seen through her evilness!)

After like a million are-you-sures and really?s, I believed her.
Please note that:
1.We were rained out.
2.There was a power cut.
3.I just needed a way to pass time.
before you begin to judge me based on my following actions.

I picked up my cell phone and dialled Vijay Mallya's number and waited for it to ring. After about three rings, a male voice answers. I immediately cut the call. Smoka and I burst out with fits of laughter. Little did I know that this scheming little rat was 'muahahaha'ing instead of 'haha'ing.
After the laughter subsided, just to spice things up a little more, I messaged that very number saying "Vijay Mallya?" That person called back on my phone, we picked up but neither of us answered. He mumbled something to himself (they sounded a lot like Kannada swear words, though)and cut the call.
We never bothered to bother Mr.Mallya from then on.

Later while we were having dinner, Smoka said to me "It wasn't actually Vijay Mallya man. I was just pulling your leg." If only we weren't surrounded by so many witnesses at the dinner table, I would have spanked her like there was no tomorrow.

In my defence: I was bored and just needed something interesting in order to pass time. Moreover, the P. being friends with Vijay Mallya's son part was 100% believable, cause it was absolutely true. And most importantly I got to know that the person who took the call was not anyone remotely related to Mr. Mallya, the second he said "Halla"
Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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