Here's to Alcohol

The cause of...and solution to all of life's problems.

One would know a typical alcoholic as someone who aimlessly roams the streets after a night out at the bar. Ever heard of a drunkard who gives away free advice, gets philosophical whenever possible and can speaks the Kannada language fluently even after gulping down about 10 quarters.

One such drunkard is the one who roams the streets of RR.Nagar every night. He's basically a drunkard cum beggar. He has this unique style of begging. He doesn't say the usual "Amma-thayi" slogan. He only asks for food from a typical kannadigan family. But there's nothing typical about this drunkard. Unlike others, he doesn't talk non-sense, he doesn't wobble when he walks and he is unfaithful to his wife. He speaks passionately about the Kannada language and the importance of speaking in our mother tongue.The things he says will make you want to ponder upon them. Personally, it gives me a feeling of satisfaction that there's someone out there who is a lot crazier than I am and is doing a lot worse in life than me. He's an amazing orator. He makes it a point to pick a new topic to speak on everyday. Every night he walks by street, I drop whatever it is that I am doing and keenly listen to him.

The very first time that I heard him, I thought he talking over the phone. When I peeked through my window (after a lot of apprehension)to my surprise I found that he was in fact talking to himself. He was all alone. Then he starting calling out to all the Kannadigas in the neighbourhood and requested them to quench the thirst of a fellow Kannadiga. That's when Bruno started barking uncontrollably. The drunkard had no other choice but to leave.

Once, he had even brought his drunk friend along with him from the bar. He was explaining to him about the importance of family. He said that, no matter how much you drink, you should never cheat on your wife, you shall never be harsh on your children. This man must be one of those art of living Swamijis who just got bored of it so he just decided to get high.

Recently he spoke about Dr. Raj Kumar. And how he left his family all alone and went holidaying to Heaven. Lol. He was saying that he's a lot better as the son of the of Karnataka than Raj Kumar ever was. And that he would never let death keep him from loving and respecting his motherland, and supporting his family. For the very first time he said his name out loud. His exact words words were "You have Ram.Kumar's word that I shall always remain this land's son."

Now as these streets have become familiar to Ram.Kumar, and Ram.Kumar has become familiar to Bruno.
This would have to one of the most unusual things that I have witnessed and as a to-be-psychiatrist I am much interested to know what compelled Ram.Kumar to become a drunkard, what kind of psychological disorder does he have and how the hell does he talk so fluently in Kannada!

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Things to do today:
1.Get up
3.Go back to bed.
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